Behind the scenes look at my rehearsal

For those who don't work in television, or radio there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that the average person may not realize... it's not always glamorous, as most people like to assume.
Countless hours of solid research, understanding lines, dates, names, and all the other detailed information is just "a tip of the iceberg" (yes I really did just use that phrase). But the fun really kicks in when trying to package and deliver the news using a formula that is effective, informative, and creative. This is what really makes a story, news segment, or TV episode exciting to watch.
What makes the process from start to finish run smoothly? I would say the constant review of all material, especially when having to memorizing detailed information, and/or scripts.
Here's a simple trick I use to memorize scripts, it's a technique called Rote learning. The idea is that one will be able to quickly recall the meaning of the material the more one repeats it. So, after hours and hours of rehearsing technical terms, names, or whatever information that is needed you can successfully memorize it and hit a home-run.
For some entertainment value, and to show you how much "fun" goes into memorizing lines, here is a "behind the scenes" look at my rehearsal: