Entourage star, Adrian Grenier

Adrian Grenier, best known as the former star of “Entourage,” as Vincent Chase, was in downtown Vancouver promoting his new documentary ‘Teenage Paparazzo’
I sat down with the devilishly handsome star and discussed the details about his new documentary.
This dramatic tale of the evil paparazzi gangs was released in 2010, but for those who don’t know what I’m talking about, I have included a link to the trailer below.
Grenier, had a clear message to send to the paparazzi…’Don’t invade my space!’
I am impressed, and maybe a little puzzled, that Grenier used a 13-year-old paparazzo to make his point about the lonely and dangerous life that the paparazzi lead.
But good on Grenier for bringing light to an issue that really only impacts rich celebrities.
Overall, my interview with Grenier was enjoyable. Great guy!
I had asked Grenier about his own challenges in building his career, and here is what he had to say:
Q: What sacrifices have you made to get to where you are in life?
A: "I never had to sacrifice anything for my success, I simply view every fall as a new opportunity."
‘Teenage Paparazzo’ trailer: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1232206/